Manger Born Doula
Ashley Engram, CLC, Birth Consultant

Welcome to my Amazon Store Front! I've gathered all the products I recommend for Pregnancy, Birth Breastfeeding and more...

Preparing for Natural Birth
I find these items to be helpful during pregnancy, bringing you comfort and preparing your body for labor and natural birth. Compression socks improve blood flow in your legs and can reduce swelling in your feet & ankles. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea helps prepares the uterus for effective contractions during labor. Dr. Teal's Sleep Spray contains essential oils and melatonin for a better night's sleep. The Belly Bottle is great for keeping track of water intake and reaching your daily hydration goals. Gentle Birth is a midwife favorite- a formula of herbs working just like the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, preparing the body for labor and delivery. The birthing ball and peanut ball both help with finding comfort during pregnancy and labor.
Compression Socks (Fashionable)
Compression Socks (B/W Print)
Childbirth Support
(Herbal Extract)
Red Raspberry Tea
Birth/Pregnancy Ball
Sleep Spray
Peanut Ball
Pregnancy Water Bottle
Comfort in
These are just a few special products I recommend for comfort during labor & delivery. Rescue flower and the essence thereof is great for traumatic and stressful situation. This Essential Oil Diffuser is great for aromatherapy. Put a few drops of Lavender, Clary Sage and/or Peppermint Essential Oils during labor. Gentle Birth is a midwife favorite- a formula of herbs working just like the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, stimulating uterine contractions and strengthening the uterus for all that hard work. The birthing ball and peanut ball both help with finding comfort during pregnancy and labor.
Stress Relief Gummy Tablets
Heat Pad
Rescue Remedy Drops
Childbirth Support
(Herbal Extract)
Rescue Flower Sleep Spray for Stress
Essential Oil Diffuser
Birth/Pregnancy Ball
Peanut Ball

& Pumping Supplies
These are a few products helpful for lactation and breastfeeding. If you have medical insurance you should be able to get full coverage for a basic manual or electric pump. However, I find that the Haakaa is very convenient if you don't have access to electricity; best used while nursing your baby on the opposite breast, stimulating a let down for the Haakaa to catch. The Momcozy Wearable Electric Pump is a nice discreet way to pump hands free while on the move; does not need to be plugged into an outlet. The Warming Lactation Massager can stimulate blocked ducts and encourage the let down for more successful pump session. The breastfeeding shirt is great for discreet nursing or pumping.
Mother's Milk Tea
Haakaa Breast Pump
Hands-Free Pumping Bra
Hands-Free, Wearable Breast Pumps
Lactation Massager
Nursing Bras
Nipple Shields
Discreet Nursing & Pumping Tops

After Birth
These are some essential items for post partum healing. Most women experience soreness at their perineal site and the sitz bath along with the Yoni Steam Herbs, Gentlepak Ice Pads all help with that and speed up the healing process. The MomWasher peribottle has a unique stem and nozzle for gentle cleansing of the perineum after using the toilet. Women usually will experience bleeding for 4-6 weeks PP so you have options of disposable Depends overnight underwear with leak protection or cloth menstrual pads for eco-friendly moms. You can also try out the EcoBlossom menstrual cup that inserts right into the vagina near the cervix; non-toxic, reusable for 12 hours of leak protection.
Angled Nozzle Peribottle
Steaming Herbs for Sitz Bath
Red Raspberry Tea
Sitz Bath
Depends Overnight Incontinence Underwear
Ice Pads for Perineal Soothing
Menstrual Cups
Cloth Menstrual Pads

Alternative Parenting & Diapering
This section of items are a few baby items most asked about from my clients...along with cloth diapering essentials. The Blooming Bath Lotus Bathseat goes right into your kitchen sink so no more having to get down on your achy knees at the bathtub to bathe your baby. If you will be delivering at home and would like your own set of footprints as a safekeep, this Inkless Hand and Foot Printer is nice and safe on baby's skin. The South Bend Digital Hanging Scale is an inexpensive option to keep track of your newborn infant's day-to-day weight gain in between visits to the Pediatrician. Babyganics Laundry Detergent is highly rated for cloth diapering and baby's with sensitive skin as well as the Soap Nuts for moms that want the most eco-friendly option available. The Boba Wrap Baby Carrier is a great way to keep the bonding with baby even while out and about running errands or simply at home doing daily chores.
No-Touch Digital Thermometer
Baby Laundry Detergent
Flower Bath Seat for Sink
Baby Wrap Carrier
Inkless Foot Printer
Baby Swaddling Wrap
Digital Hanging Scale
Soap Nuts for Laundry
Cloth Diapering
If any of this looks a bit foreign to you, click here for my "straight to the point" Cloth Diapering Guide
Cloth Diapers (AIO)
Cloth Diaper Flats
Tri-Fold Cloth Diapers
Bio-degradable Cloth Diaper Liners
Bamboo Cloth Diaper Inserts
Cloth Diaper Inserts
Snappi Diaper Pins
Diaper Sprayer
Diaper Sprayer Splatter Shield
Pocket Cloth Diaper Covers

Essentials for Birth at Home
Planning a homebirth? Here are just SOME of the essentials you'll want to look into. The Inflatable Pool is the most cost-efficient option for a waterbith if you do not want to use your own tub, but if you don't mind the tub, you can get these disposable Bath Tub Liners. During the earlier phases of labor, you might want to relax in the tub with a nice book or your tablet and this Luxury Bathtub Caddy is here for that! How about an Underwater Flashlight for the dad-to-be who wants to be able to watch all the magic as it happens. If not in water, you'll want to have a Plastic Mattress Protector. Gentle Birth is a midwife favorite- a formula of herbs working just like the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, stimulating uterine contractions and strengthening the uterus for all that hard work. The birthing ball and peanut ball both help with finding comfort during pregnancy and labor. With the Comfortable Upright Birth Ball- Inflatable Birth Stool, you can actually deliver your baby right on the ball.
Inflatable Birth Pool
Bathtub Liner
Childbirth Support
(Herbal Extract)
Bathtub Caddy
Birth/Pregnancy Ball
Underwater Flashlight
Peanut Ball
Mattress Protector
Inflatable Birth Stool

Providing Physical
This section of items are for doulas that provide physical support to moms in labor. The Aculief provides consistent accupressure to the L14 point to stimulate contractions. MotherLove Birth & Baby Oil is great for perineal massage. Honey Sticks are a quick energy-boost when mom doesn't quite feel like eating real food.